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About EKSO - Cultural Association Europe

EKSO - Cultural Association Europe promotes public discussion on European culture, identity and way of life. Cultural Association Europe strives to bring forth different points of view and experiences concerning European culture and science as well as political and economic life. EKSO offers possibilities for Europe’s leading experts of culture and science to meet and to network with people in the practical life. The Association also aims at promoting topical European dialogue between different cultures inside and outside Europe.

The Association’s concept of culture is extensive. EKSO is part of the European Cultural Foundation Network, a group of well-known advocates of European unity and integration.

Activities in 2017

EKSO - Cultural Association Europe organises 3-5 events per year. Most of the events are open for public.

As part of its mission to promote knowledge and debate on current European affairs, EKSO organizes regularly special events on rotating EU-presidency countries. This takes place twice a year, and we do it in cooperation with the Embassy concerned in Helsinki and local friendship associations, whenever it is possible. This year we have on our program two events, Malta and Estonia:

Malta event on May 16th, took place in National Theater (Holvikellari) and our guest speaker from Malta was Mr. Sean Bouhaghiar, a well known theater and cinema man (actor/producer) in La Valetta. Also a lecture on maltese culture and political life was given by former Finnish Ambassador in Malta, Mr Pauli Mäkelä. In his speech, Mr Mäkelä described widely the maltese history, national identity and political life from a British colony to EU-memeber state. The audience consisted of EKSO members, maltese community and other interested people.

Estonia event was organized in Europe House (Seat of EU/Commission delegation in Finland) on October 18th. The seminar had the following speakers:

- Ms Krista Kiuru, Member of Finnish Parliament, former Minister, Chair of Estonia Friendship Group in the Parliament gave the opening statement for the Seminar.

- Mr Kalle Palling, Member of Estonian Parliament, former Head of EU Affairs Commission of Parliament of Estonia
The subject of the speech was the Estonian vision on EU challenges and Estonian priorities during it`s Presidency

- Mr Jaakko Blomberg, former Ambassador of Finland to Estonia
The subject of the speech was the military security at the Baltic Sea. Mr Blomberg analysed the development of military presence of super powers and their alliances in the Baltic Sea area from the cold war period to the present day.

All speeches were followed by questions and debate. Events were followed by small cocktail at the premises.

Estonia presentation will continue on November 21st, at 19.00 at the Finnish National Film Foundation (Kanavakatu 12), where an Estonian Film Mandariinit (2013) will be presented. The film tells a story of a small georgian village during the ethnic conflicts and describes efforts to heal tensions. Having a very universal message the film has been internationally awarded and was the Estonian Oscar nominee.

The principal partners of EKSO in these events has been Eurooppalainen Suomi ry. In the case of Estonia we also wanr to thank Tuglas Society for its valuable help and support. All events have free entry and the community of the country concerned in Finland is welcome within the limits of the space available.

More information

Risto Veltheim
Chairman of the Board
040 748 26 97